Build a Diverse Pipeline, Fast. Source Engineers
With Tech Ladies.
Staff roles quickly without sacrificing on diversity. Partner with Tech Ladies® to source from our community of 140k hard-to-reach candidates.
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The Community to Partner with to Build a Diverse Product Org
The Tech Ladies community is comprised of over 140,000
Engineers, Product People, Designers, Marketers and
Operators! We’ve spent the last decade cultivating relationships
with our members built around a shared set of values - Empowerment, Inclusion, and Authenticity.
Community Stats
The Tech Ladies Talent Sourcing Suite
Tech Ladies is Built on a Foundation of Mutual Trust
Symone Lapray
Recruiting Manager,
Rachel Wright
Technical Recruiter, RevenueCat
Gordon Newtrob
CTO, Newfront
Jessica Velazco
Recruiting and People Ops, Bitwarden
Kaleen Baker
Senior Technical Recruiter, Procore
Ryan Hoover
Founder, Product Hunt
Take a Closer look at our Sourcing tools
Empowerment, Inclusion, and Authenticity
Partnering with Tech Ladies grants you broad exposure to this hard-to-reach audience and broadcasts that you share and engender the same set of values. This translates to a greater volume of applications and lower pipeline dropout rates from this discerning candidate profile.
How to hire more women in tech
Download our ultimate guide to hiring more women in tech! We've spent years helping companies just like yours increase the diversity on their teams and our actionable tips will help you do the same.
Read more about how partnerships work at Tech Ladies
on our FAQ guide below.